Building stack

Understanding the Realty One Payment Application – Building Stack.

Building Stack is the official online payment portal for all your rental needs for Realty One and Discover Kelowna Resort Accommodations.

Looking to pay your rent or your additional parking stall - then look no further - Building stack, for all your online payment needs.

Building stack is broken up into 3 distinct sections to receive payments and each one is setup as an individual lease account to receive your online banking or Pre-Authorised Debit (PAD) . All realty accommodation payments are directed via Building Stack into registered TRUST accounts for your security and to abiude by provincial realty laws:

1.      Security Deposit (SD)

This will be your introduction to Building Stack and where you will pay via your banking information the necessary security deposit on your upcoming rental.

Usually this is ½ a month’s rent amount, but it could be more or less if agreed upon by both parties.

Once paid, you may still view the account, but you won’t be able to make further payments to it without contacting Realty One and getting consent to reopen it for additional payments.

2.      Rental Payments ( R1)

This is your monthly accommodation’s lease to make payments for your rent or keep tabs on your accommodation PAD. It will show a rolling balance on a monthly basis usually just requiring payment for the upcoming rent of the following month.

If a rent payment is missed or a PAD has failed, there may also be other charges shown that will need to be paid. For example – NSF of ~$20 (Not Sufficient Funds) and may be allocated if your PAD is unable to be run that month.

Please pay any NSF fees into this account so it may get back into balance.

If necessary, you can also make multiple payments to pay for your rent, but we do ask that if possible to make a single payment so our accountants stay happy with us 😊

3.      Move In Fees (MIF’s),  Fines, Fobs, Cable, Parking and Other Payments (DKRA)

This is where you pay your:

strata mandated MIF’s

replacement fobs

any strata mandated fine during your lease period

any extra parking stall

separate Cable TV & Wi-Fi package or similar item that is not an R1 accommodation.

Click this link to login to Building Stack.

But please remember, you will have to have already received an invitaton to login to your new account from Realty One or DKRA via offical email correspondence and in conjuction with your new lease creation:
